Efficient use of Bacto Power and Bio Sponge

Shinsuke Koi Product 1

Ever since the beginning of sale, we suggest that recommended use of Bio Sponge would be 1 pack per 1 ton water.
As opposed to that, we have heard a lot from the breeders and hobbiest that it turns out that water condition is far better and stable if one pack per 300~500 littres water being used.

In order to decompose organic substances which is origin of contaminant, the more the bacteria is, the better it works.
It also holds true in that respect that to use more Bio Sponge physicallly possible leads to prevention of disease.
We have heard same sort of reports from the breeders and hobbiest about the use of Bacto Power .

According to that, it works better and more efficient if 5~10g per 1 ton water with the frequency of once in 1~2 weeks.
Conditions and environment such as water temperature, ground water, quantity of Koi to breed, pond water quantity,
filtering system are not the same.

But, it is only natural that the more bacteria is, the better water condition will be, considering aforementioned.
Thus, it would result in preventing contamination if increase the quantity and frequency of use with Bio Sponge are applied.
Then, why we should change the water ?

We can not get away from Nitrate and phosphoric acid being accumulated when we breed the Koi.
Usually, bacteria decomposes protein, ammonia, nitrite and those would not stay, accumulate either in the pond.
But, nitrate and phosphoric acid will surely do.
Which is the reason why it is nececcary to change the water.

How anaerobic bacteria compound with Bacto Power works.
1. It turns Nitrite into nitrogen gas and discharge in the air. (yet to be decomposed into Nitrate, so it can prevent  contamination.
2. It turns Nitrate back into Nitrite and then into nitrogen gas to discharge in the air.

Following is the flow chart describing the organic substances like feed are decomposed.
Protein→Amino acid→Ammonia→Nitrite→Nitrate

Feed left-over, mucosa of koi, feces are decomposed in above order.
Nitrate accumulation results in contaminating water and it ends up in Koi being stressed.
At the end of the day, it would turn to the surroundings which can be cause of disease.
In this sence, bacteria plays important role in maintaining water condition for Koi.

Based on that theory, then again it works better and more efficient if 5~10g per 1 ton water with the frequency of once in 1~2 weeks, furthermore, it can lead to prevention of disease.


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