HOLLAND KOI SHOW 2016 Seminar-1


I’m Yoshihiro Yamamura, a product producer from Shinsuke Company.
Shinsuke Company was founded to produce products for Nishikigoi loved all over
the world.
Let me introduce myself briefly about what I have been doing until now.

I have been managing the company called Aki Nettai Co.,Ltd specialized
in dealing with tropical fish marine fish and Coral  for 35 years.
At the same time, I have set up the company called Dupla West Co.,Ltd as agent of
German ornamental fish brand, during which time  I have gained a lot of knowledges
and experiences.

I have graduated  in Dupla Tropica Co., Ltd. Coral education centre in  Cairns
Australia 1993 as member of inaugural class.

During which times, I have learned a lot about importance of mineral and bacteria.
Then, I have set up exporting company dealing with tropical fish and water plants
products in Bangkok, Thailand in 2001.

In 2008, I have been back to Japan after I sold that company to the customer overseas.
In January 2012, I have joined with Shinsuke Co.,Ltd as managing  partner at the time
of foundation.

Our concept is
“Making NISHIKIGOI more beautiful with the ideal environment.”

Let me start the presentation.
I am talking about four different themes.

First theme is to get water under control.

English Summary